Stop letting money walk out of your office door.

We’re going to share a number with you….63%.
That’s the number of potential clients that have a consultation with a lawyer and leave feeling unsure about the cost and/or payment options. Think about that number. 6 out of 10 clients you speak with will leave a meeting feeling unsure about how to hire you, and what the next steps are to move forward.
In most cases when that happens, guess what happens next? The potential client reaches out to another attorney.
Another attorney who signs them simply because they take the time to offer them better payment options.
And I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself, I know this happens sometimes, but the numbers can’t be that high.
Here’s another number…87% of those people who leave feeling unsure, do hire an attorney, just not you.
If you’ve spent your ad revenue on getting people in the door, why let that many walk right out?
With Fortify, powered by iQualify Lending, you can offer a cash option(get paid upfront), a financing option (get paid upfront) and an in-house payment option (get paid over time) that can generate recurring revenue that you don’t have to chase.
Imagine getting paid your full retainer, on most of your cases, without ever having to chase the client for money or call them for payments.
Too many attorneys get into the habit of taking half down and then dropping cases when their clients don’t end up paying them. Wouldn’t it be a radical idea if you took more clients AND worked on each case, with the certainty of your recurring income each month?
Fortify does all of the work for you, with none of the hassle. And with our system, attorneys are signing, helping and most importantly, getting paid by more clients than ever before.
Stop letting other attorneys poach your clients. Offer more payment options and keep potential clients saying yes more often. Work with iQualify Lending and, before you know it, you’ll develop that reputation as the lawyer that actually does the work.